What does Ofsted say about our school?
"Leaders work hard to engage and inform parents and carers through regular surveys, school events, parents' evenings and weekly bulletins."
"Leaders at all levels talk with enthusiasm and commitment about the school. They have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high-quality education for all."
"The school is focused on promoting positive mental health... Mental health wellbeing is also a key part of the 'Education for Life' programme, showcasing female role models and featuring inspirational and influential speakers."
Ofsted 2023
Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association of Highsted Grammar School is in place to provide support to the school and its pupils. If your daughter (or son in the Sixth Form) is a student at the school then you are automatically a member!
We have a small but dedicated committee and are always grateful to those who can support us at various events. We understand that everyone is busy these days (including us!) so any time that you can spare would be much appreciated. If you can help in any way, please get in touch with the Highsted Parents’ Association at pa@highsted.kent.sch.uk.
By organising regular discos at the school, quiz nights for the whole family and a Christmas Prize Draw, we raise funds for items needed by the school which benefit all pupils, and provide sponsorship for those entering regional competitions. We also support key school functions by sponsoring the annual Awards Evening and provide refreshments for many activities. Further to this, we run a 200 Club with a prize draw every month. If you would like to support the school by joining this, please get in touch.
One particularly popular service is the sale of good quality second-hand uniforms and our stocks are always in need of replenishing, so if you have any unwanted items of uniform, we would be very pleased to receive donations.
Alternatively, if you require any uniform, here is a list of Recycled Uniform.
Any suggestions for other events that you would like to help us organise are very welcome. We meet in the school Learning Resource Centre once a month at 7.30pm during term time - normally on the first Wednesday. New faces are always welcome!